
On Code


Unable to find time worthy tutorials?

You 've come to the right place. I make learning the programming ecosystem fun, approachable, and easy...

I am working as a Software Engineer Advance in @gartner having 6+ years of Experience in Technology.

I donot just write code — I crafts experiences.



Want to Fresh Start in Tech?

While teaching Tech and helping NON-IT professionals to get a Job in Technology. I Understood its not very dificult for Smart candidates to get quick start in Tech? I know it's hard to start without guidance, but with my guidance and your hard work, it's a piece of cake! 🍣

I've helped over < 100+ > candidates from NON-IT background and Freshers to get a start in technology.

If you have experience in any field, for any number of years, Congratulations! You are eligible.

Feel free to contact me to discuss your success plan. Contact me

Stuck in your job?

> Having years of experience, not skilled?

Learning isn't enough for interviews to land into a dream job, Understanding organization and interview questions is the key. I'll explain you end-to-end interview questions asked by Top companies with their solutions.

Are You Ready

Say hi!

[email protected]

I love to code, design and break things 😜. I speak, teach, and learn tech and consult ofcourse. ,

Ishu Sharma
Delhi, India

ishu sharma